Prism, Little Boxes and Es geht voran, each 29,7 x 29,7 cm, ink on paper, 2017 © Robert Freund
A charity project for the ANTIRASSISMUS ZENTRUM WIEN | In cooperation with WIEN MUSEUM | With support of the BEZIRKSVORSTEHUNG MARGARETEN
Robert Freund participates in this charity auction with three works Little Boxes, Prism and Es geht voran, each 29,7 x 29,7 cm, ink on paper, 2017.
Monday, March 19, 7 pm
opening with district chairperson Mag.a Susanne Schaefer-Wiery
Tuesday, March 20, 12 – 7 pm & Wednesday, March 21, 12 – 9:30 pm
Wednesday, March 21 (International day against racism), 7 pm, auctioneer: Lucy McEvil
Bezirksvorstehung Margareten
Schönbrunner Straße 54
1050 Wien