Das Wachstum der Regenwürmer

Das Wachstum der Regenwürmer

In Defence of Sensitivity (detail), 170 x 160 cm, oil on canvas, 2018, © Robert Freund

Robert Freund & Richard Weber

Beside painings and graphics by Robert Freund and experimental glass objects by Richard Weber there will also be joint glass works created in the last few months.

Saturday, May 18 2019, 2pm
Kunstforum Kramsach, Troadkastn
6233 Kramsach

Address of welcome: Alois Schild, artistic director
Opening speech: Mag. Sarah Pfeifer, art historian

Music special: Flo Ryan

Duration of the exhibition: till June 8 2019, dayly exept Sun- and holidays from 1 pm till 6pm

Copyright © 2019 Robert Freund